Friday, July 6, 2012

First Motion Written From Scratch!

Yesterday, I put the finishing touches on a motion that I decided to take a crack at writing over the holiday.  I enjoyed it, to be completely honest.  Most people know that I enjoy writing in general, however legal writing is a little more challenging for me personally.  Probably because of the fact that I like to "sound smart," so to speak, and the fact of the matter is that judges are very educated, and don't care/are unlikely to be impressed by the fact that you can use "big words."  I was always taught legal writing needs to be more direct and too the point. 

As difficult as it was to not give in to the temptation of using some of my favorite multi-syllable adjectives, the final product came out pretty well.  The attorney who it was for said it was good, she added a few things (since this is after all still her case, and the picture she's trying to paint in the judges mind needs to be accurately portrayed), but most importantly, I found some satisfaction in the fact that out of all the laws I could've cited in the legal analysis, I selected the right one.

Definitely look forward to writing more of these in the future.

P.S. It turns out you can title the motion anything you want! I had some issues with that since I know there are commonly used motions (not only in Nevada, but other jurisdictions as well), and I was under the impression that this motion had to fit the mold of one that already existed.  Meaning, if I want to file a "Motion For Opposing Counsel To Remove the Stick From Their Ass," I can, lol.   

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