Thursday, July 12, 2012

Client Pet Peeves...One Client Who Does Them All

Don't get me wrong, I love this job.  I love the practical experience I am gaining not only in terms of actually getting things written and filed, legal research, and trial preparation.  Even more so (and many of my friends can attest to the fact I need a little help in this department), I enjoy the experience I am getting having to deal with people that I would not normally associate with, but have to because they are clients. 

That being said, I can deal with a lot of annoying things they do to a point, whether it be panicking over a situation that does not warrant panicking, or even trying to take over their own case and do the job they are paying this office to do.  One thing I cannot stand however, are the clients who constantly call and assume that something is always going on with their case. 

Basically, events and filing of documents trigger responses and filing of more documents.  However, until these things are done, we are unable to do anything.  For example, how can write an opposition to a motion that has not yet been filed or given to us (even though we probably know it might be coming)? 

One particular client has called three times in the past two weeks about a number of things:

1.)  "The IRS took all of the money out of my tax return."

         -  The attorneys in this office told you that it was probably going to happen given your
             circumstances, so why are you calling about this?  You were given fair warning, and
             unfortunately we cannot help you.  The IRS is a body of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT,
             and we are merely a family law firm in Las Vegas, Nevada.  We aren't going to be able to
             "force" the IRS to return this money, particularly because it was taken with just cause.
             Please stop assuming that because they are attorneys, they are like God and can do
             anything you ask, especially when it involves the Federal Government.

2.)  "Please have my lawyer call me back."  "Ok ma'am, what's this regarding?" "I just need to talk to 

        -  Unfortunately, people in this office are very busy, and do not want to be bothered with
            frivilous issues.  In order to cut back on these issues which can be resolved without the
            lawyer having to contact you themselves, the information often gets passed on to me or
            one of the other assistants, and we relay the message.  Only if something big happens,
            and it is absolutely imperative that an attorney speak to you (meaning you require legal
            advice, which I am prohibited from giving you), will they call you back personally. 
            That being said, this requires you to give us a reason as to why you are calling.  The
            other assistants and I are still bound by attorney-client confidentiality, and are not going to
            share details of your case with others who do not need to know.  So please tell us exactly
            what it is you need help with in order to resolve the issue swiftly.

3.)  "I have called three times, and the attorney has not called me back.   But anyway, I got a letter
        from my ex-spouse, and he said he is taking my child for one month on this date."

        -  This had the potential to be an issue of concern that might warrant talking to an attorney. 
            However, after reviewing the decree of divorce, the "Visitation" section notes that the
            spouse without primary physical custody is allowed to take the child for a period of one
            month over summer vacation.  Now, since you are alleging abuse, we have filed the
            appropriate motion with court, and will be heard at the next hearing, which so conveniently
            happens to be before the day your spouse is coming to take your child.  Until we go in and
            tell the judge why we have filed the motion, nothing can be done.  We will see you then.

The second of these three minor annoyances is probably the most irksome.  I understand that some people may not feel comfortable sharing certain details with assistants, but I at least need to be able to judge how urgent the situation is.  Calling in a panicked voice does not help either, I listen to the content of your message, not the tone of your voice. 

I am not one to complain about work, but when these three things happened, I felt I had to share them.  Hopefully this will help anyone reading this answer questions as to why your attorney may not get back to you immediately, or even within the same day.  The short answer I can give you for that is simple:  you are not the only one going through a divorce or custody battle.  Some things need to be done in the office right away, and unfortunately have precedent over your case.  I am sorry if this upsets you, but I do things in the order I am told. 

P.S.  Please do not call back cursing at me in Spanish, I took 4 years in high school and have friends that speak it.  I know exactly what you called me, and it wasn't very polite.  Gracias.

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